Wednesday, November 2, 2011

my halloween.

every year i like to spend my halloween a little differently than other people (be it a ball, etc.).
this year was no exception:

this halloween i spent the day...
sewing christmas costumes.
watching charles dickens movies (that's about the scariest movies i like to watch).
going, with two of my dear friends, to a diner. in 40's garb. and getting a chocolate shake.
watching episode 7 of downton abbey (season 2)...with much commentary from the viewers, mind you.
and listening to my friend read "sherlock holmes" aloud...and with a very terrifying accent ( was hilarious).

i quite liked this halloween.

how did you spend yours?

1 comment:

Lauren Leggatt said...

aww this is awesome! love that you do something different each halloween!
p.s. I'm Lauren, its very nice to meet you!