Sunday, October 31, 2010

my buddy maddy

she sends me crazy pictures of herself that make me chuckle.
I think she's pretty awesome!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

happiness giveaway - owl bag

"Don't ever forget how special you are"
an ADORABLE owl bag with a cute saying.
this owl wallet / pouch would make a perfect gift for someone you care about.
give it as is or stick a gift card inside or some home made soaps.

"oskarmycat" has consented to a...

"oskar my cat" is an etsy store that offers homemade crafts made by a stay at home mother of four. Each item is unique and has its own European flaire to express the seller's own culture. This bag is padded so it would be great to protect a camera or a cell phone. It has a zipper and is lined with pretty fabric.
Size of this bag is 6 x 5 inches.

to enter:
1) become a follower of "sewing in the past" (worth one entry)
2) "heart" the "oskarmycat" etsy store (one entry)
3) "heart" the owl bag (one entry)
4) twitter, facebook, blog about this giveaway (one each)
5) just comment on this post with contact info.

please leave one comment per entry so all of them will be counted.

good luck!

giveaway will end friday, october 31st at midnight.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

little letters.

dear cookie dough,

dear driving,
i shall conquer you. i shall.

dear fall,
could you maybe let texas know it's that time of year?

dear november 17th,
hurry up already. les mis 25th anniversary in concert at movie theatres. does it get any better?

dear chemistry,
would you like to explain this "mole" theory once more, please?

dear yellow galoshes,
i shall own you someday. 'tis my goal in life. and then i shall splash in the rain puddles while wearing you. and life shall be simply grand.

dear orthodontist,
thank you for reading my blog post and telling me that the braces *are* coming off very soon. haha.

dear brown linen coat,
although it's been a year since the beginning of your WILL be completed before the cold season is over!

dear random british sitcom from the 70s,
you make me chuckle.

inspired by post from rockstar diaries.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

well blow me down!

a while back caia had an awards gala for the theatre department.
and i was NOMINATED for "best female actress in a supporting role in a non-musical".
for my part as rachel lynde in "anne of green gables".

well... i WON! :)
it was a super-dee-duper exciting honor!
plus, seeing old friends from past productions was just the best!
(should've known it would be a "silly face" picture with these two)

i love theatre.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

i wish.

i wish that texas would realize october is supposed to be a cold month. the rainy day yesterday sure tricked me into thinking fall had finally come.

i wish i wouldn't wait until sunday night to do all my homework for the week. silly me.

i wish i owned a yellow skirt.

i wish i had a metal-less mouth. (go away braces) waiting. waiting until december.

i wish i wasn't tempted to eat a whole bowl of cookie dough when i'm making cookies. because then i wouldn't think about how much better the cookie dough tasted before they were cooked.

i wish i knew how to carve a pumpkin. i've never carved a pumpkin in my whole entire existence. this just isn't right.

i wish driving didn't scare me so bad. taking the driver's test soon. pray for me. please.

i wish days were longer.

and...i wish tomorrow was not monday.

what do you wish?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

pumpkin patch

fully prepared to spend a day at the house getting numerous things accomplished.
and we get a phone call.
asking if we had forgotten about the pumpkin patch field trip.
we had.
surprise, surprise.

we rushed in the car and drove over. 
missed the hay ride.
but not the "bee attack".
or the "lost key" adventure.
or the "i'm so hot i'm about to faint" moment(s).

why is it hot at the pumpkin patch?
this should be a trip where you bundle up with scarves, wool coats, and the like.
silly texas.
don't you know it's october?!

p.s. i have this friend named ryleigh.
she's pretty awesome.
and nice.
even if she quit chemistry and abandoned me.
but i forgive her.

the pumpkins were pretty awesome.
and orange.
and ridiculously overpriced.

and it was a very fun trip.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

scarf appropriate.

morgan and i got to model some scarves my mom was selling.
wool alpaca (and so colorful too!).
to help support a pregnancy center in bolivia.
isn't that the best idea?
plus i'm a sucker for a scarf ;)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

tag. you're it.

You are given 8 questions from the person who tagged you before, your job is to answer them, write 8 questions of your own, then tag 8 people with your questions. 

1. If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf? 
oh dear me. i suppose...deaf. because then at least i could get around easier. and still be able to do a lot of things i'd be unable to do were i blind. is such a huge part of my life. it would be ever so difficult to do without it...hmmm.

2. What is your favorite part about blogging?
being able to befriend people through each other's blogs. i think it's so fascinating to know so much about someone but never actually "know" them. i think it'd be the most incredible thing to meet one of y'all in person!!

3. What is your favorite book and why? 
AAH! haha. that's hard. well of course the bible is my favorite book, by far. there's nothing to equal it. however as far as fiction goes...i really, really like "the pickwick papers." i know that sounds rather silly...but a book has never made me chuckle out loud as much as that one did. "i defy you not to roar"

4. Why DID the chicken cross the road?
to run away from the chick-fil-a cows, of course! you know how insistent they are for you to "eat more chicken"!

5. What do you want to be when you grow up? 
the queen of the world. inventor of the first time machine. a world-renowned photographer of camels. and a legendary ukulele-ist.

6. Think about your day. (Or yesterday if you're reading this early in the morning.) Think through everything that happened to you during the day... people you met, things you discovered, interesting events. Now pick one thing and describe it for me in as much detail as you can. Whether you were skydiving or picking out a muffin, I want to hear about it. 
yesterday at my homeschool co-op i met this hilarious little girl. and this other kid was messing with her. and she looked at me and said, "i'm 'noring him." i nearly died laughing.

7. What do you think of Nancy Drew? Do you consider her a good role model? What do you think of the movies (Old movie with Bonita Granville and new with Emma Roberts) and the computer games?
ummm. i s'pose i liker her quite a bit. i read a lot of her books when i was younger. and played the "carousel mystery" computer game. plus i've seen the newest movie. sooooo....ya. i think she's a great character!

8. If someone offered you a hundred dollar bill to do it, would you sing an entire song, without music, in a crowded restauraunt? 
most definitely! probably something from les miserables. or phantom of the opera. or any musical, really.


so. eight questions for you, eh?

1. what time period would you travel back to? (why?)

2. what five things make you extremely happy?

3. you find out your great-uncle twice removed on your mother's side died and left you something huge. you arrive and you discover it is a _______. what is your reaction? (fill in the blank)

4. have you ever met a celebrity? been somewhere famous? 

5. your favorite recipe, please?

6. what's an obscure movie that nobody has probably ever seen that you really like...?

7. something you want really, extremely, exceedingly, terribly bad.

8. a dream that you wish to come true...occur...? (not necessarily a "nighttime" a "daydream" dream)


eight lucky bloggers that get to answer my really random questions:

anna @ send me a song

michaela @ last rose of summer

alexandra @ of trims and frills and furbelows 

seriena @ sereina charise photography

ashley @ bramblewood fashion

morgan @ head in the clouds

ryleigh @ good southern people

and HEY! you know what?! why don't you do it to? and do let me know if you did. drop me a link. etc.

Monday, October 18, 2010

because starbucks is the beeeeest.

after going to see a play with friends...
starbucks is yumm.
unfortuantely i never think to go to starbucks when it's warm outside.
but my favorite drink is a cold drink.
and i never know what to get in the winter.
when i'm craving starbucks.
but am cold.

it's a terrible predicament, really.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

oh, driver's ed.

dear driver's ed,
you must really hate me.
because if you didn't, you wouldn't have seen fit for the rules to change just in the middle of my schooling.
you would always make sense.
you would have thought to tell me i needed TEN nighttime driving hours.

but it was very dear of you to tell me how far my pelvis would move in a 31mph crash.
i always wondered!

and it was rather sweet of you to ensure a correct answer by giving me two answer choices...
that both said false.

i really won't miss the scary pictures of frostbitten hands.
and the videos of car crashes.
even though i know you were just trying to warn me of the dangers.

thank you for your pains you took to school me in the proper techniques of operating a mechanical vehicle.
but 7 more hours of driving...
and i shall never think of you again.

thank you.
and goodbye.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

the world's largest banjo {and a giveaway winner}

have you ever seen a larger banjo than this?
i thought as much. says that katie is the winner.
congrats katie!
i'm jealous of your good fortune.
because yellow gloves are the best.
the end.

please contact me to claim your prize.

p.s. i took the psat this morning
my brain is officially fried.

Friday, October 15, 2010

wittle theatre update.

welp. i haven't really been talking about theatre to terribly much lately.
but. just as a wittle bitty update...

best christmas pageant ever:

we have a lovely little cast.
some very crazy, hilarious, amazing people.
that i love very muchly.

 the performances are the first weekend of december!
so it's coming up very quickly.
we will also be performing at different churches.
which is new. but a great outreach.
so that's all very exciting.

the velveteen rabbit:

and then the drama jr. production.
oh how i love these adorable kids.
auditions were last week...and it was so neat to see such talent!
i am just thrilled about the endless possibilities! :)

so there you go.
to stay updated visit/follow the drama group blog!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

of chocolate chip pumpkin cookies.

because they're the best cookies i've ever put in my mouth...
i thought i'd share my joy.
and give you.
the recipe.

it's a good thing pumpkin tastes better than it smells.
or i would hate chocolate chip pumpkin cookies.
but it does.
so i don't.

don't forget to enter the giveaway that's going on!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

happiness giveaway - fingerless gloves {closed}

okay so i've been really loving the whole fingerless glove trend.
aaaand...since it's startin' to get a bit chilly outside...
"a and b originals" has donated a pair of YELLOW fingerless gloves...
for a giveaway! 

"a and b originals" is an etsy store that offers custom-made, hand crocheted, fingerless, stylish gloves called Snugs. They allow you the flexibility to still be able to put the key in the door, hold a coffee cup, and text or make phone calls on your cell. Even change the song on your ipod. 

to enter:
1) become a follower of "sewing in the past" (worth one entry)
2) "heart" the "a and b originals" etsy store (one entry)
3) "heart" the fingerless mustard gloves item (one entry)
4) twitter, facebook, blog about this giveaway (one each)
5) just comment on this post with contact info.

please leave one comment per entry so all of them will be counted.

good luck!

giveaway will end friday, october 15th at midnight.

Friday, October 8, 2010

lorna doone costume...mhmm.

atlanta is hosting a "costume inspiration event" over at her blog as you know.
if you haven't checked it out already...she has some pretty splendid posts, giveaways, pictures, etc.
plus a guest post by yours truly.

here's one of my entries for the event.
a lorna doone inspired costume.




my version...sorry for the awful picture. more to come, i promise:

green linen narnian dress.

i'm not quite sure how many times i've posted about/entered this dress in online events. *is* an inspired garment...soooo i decided to enter it in atlanta's lovely event going on right now. 
do go and see all the lovely entries!

i got the inspiration from two of susan's dresses from the narnia movies:

my dress (color and style inspired by green dress...sleeves inspired by gold and red dress):

someday i'd love to make that whole gold and red ensemble. 
you only see it for a brief second in the movie...but it's one of my favorite dresses!
love it!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

a quick succession of busy nothings.


first off...
a very happy birthday to my pops! :)
we had some lovely cajun seafood.
plus, some pumpkin cheesecake.

besides that...i truly haven't had much to blog about.
and yet we've been ridiculously busy.
i just don't know what with.

i've been baking quite a bit.
and i made *drumroll* chocolate chip pumpkin cookies on tuesday.
they we're amazing.

be ready for some posts about i'm entering in the costume inspiration event over on atlanta's blog
she has some pretty awesome posts going on.
interviews with costume designers.
and a guest post by yours truly.
check it out!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

sunflower & giveaway winner

hope your sunday is absolutely loverly!

plus...a giveaway winner! 
congrats chose you to be the winner! :)

do y'all like giveaways?
like...are you interested in more?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

oh i'm in love...with chick-fil-a.

because it's one of the best places on earth.

have you seen the tim hawkins video about chick-fil-a?
it's pretty much hilarious.
and i hum it everytime mom and dad are trying to figure out where to eat out.
just as a little hint.