Monday, December 27, 2010

happy {late} christmas!! :)

well...a very happy late christmas to you! besides the expected (christmas celebrations, whatnot)...nothing of blogging-worth has been happening...but i felt the urge to wish all my blogger friends a happy CHRISTMAS!! :)

here's a few pics from my phone of the holidayish weekend:

did you have a good christmas??

from top to bottom, left to right: me and morgie at cici's pizza during a mini christmas party, a pocket from an apron i was hired to make, sara (sister) and her amazing vintage hat i gave her for christmas, piper (niece) during a visit, brown paper package tied up with string, some of my 11 things to do before 2012 (new years resolutions) list.

1 comment:

Miss Ryleigh said...

You look uber cute in that picture friend. Just sayin'.