Friday, October 30, 2009

Exciting News!!!

The pictures I posted last week of my "Medieval Maid Marian" dress were entered into the "Maid Marian's Wardrobe" contest at the blog AmandaBethOnline ( I just found out today, that my post is a finalist (top 5) in the competition!

If you liked my dress (and pictures) please go vote for them here: the poll is on the right hand side of the screen.

Thank you Amanda Beth Online for selecting me, and thank you for your votes!! :) Congrats to all the other finalists!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

A play-in-progress, some photos, and a lot of fun!!

Today after Little Women rehearsals, we took some promotional pictures to put on posters, and ads, and such. So here are some of the best ones we got! Let me know which is your favorite! :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Maid Marian's Wardrobe - Medieval Photo Shoot

In honor of the event, Maid Marian's Wardrobe, sponsored by AmandaBethOnline, I am posting some photos of my medieval dress.

This dress was made with 100% linen (oh joy...wrinkles). The sleeves have slats where a little white peeps through. I also found a very beautiful trim for the belt.

Go here for more information about the Maid Marian's Wardrobe event:

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Plastic Dress

I'm in a Fashion/Costume design class at my homeschool co-op. We are studying 18th century style clothing. On Thursday, we split into groups of three and made 18th century dresses. Here's the catch...we had to use plastic dry cleaner bags and tape...and we only had an hour to finish. It was SO crazy! I worked mainly on the sleeves and bodice and WHAT a challenge! But a very FUN challenge! The dress turned out great! Here are some pictures!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My newest dress for "Little Women"

So, I'm in charge of ALL the costumes for the next play my homeschool group is doing: "Little Women." This is a HUGE job, but I'm really excited about the challenge. I have been going to Goodwills and thrift stores looking for modern things I can convert into 1860's style. I found this dress and decided to change it into a bustle dress (for Amy to wear when she travels to Europe). So I put the dress on my dressform and just started pinning. It turned out WAY better than I ever expected!! I'm really excited about the way it looks and also about all my future projects that I should be posting on here as I complete them.

Here are some before shots:

During construction:

And final look:


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yellow Flowers

So...I decided the other day that I really wanted my picture taken outside because there were some BEAUTIFUL yellow flowers that seemed to have bloomed overnight. The only problem was, nobody was at home to take the pictures. So, I did what every determined photographer does...I got out a tripod, set my camera on a 10 second timer, and ran to get situated in the flowers. Needless to say, I got a lot of really bad pictures. But it was all worth it because I got some really great ones as well!!!