As well as being listed here, the five winners will be featured in the sidebar and all receive an "I was voted the best of..." banner for their blogs. :) Be sure to check out their wonderful posts. You can view the other finalists and a link to all the entries HERE.

Jo: Little Women
by Bess at Bess' Bag
“Never till I’m stiff and; old, and; have to use a crutch. Don’t try to make me grow up before my time…” That is Josephine March’s rebuttal to her older sister Meg’s nagging...
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by Jordan Elizabeth at Heavenly Princess
When we were young and used to play pilgrims, the journey was only as difficult as a trek from the cellar through the house up to the rooftop. The burdens were only as heavy as the bits of fabric filling them and Appolyon was just the neighbor’s dog...
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Little Women Photo Shoot
by The Three Spinsters at 3 Sisters of Grace
Here is a photo shoot we did for the Little Women event. Gathering hops for wreath making. Daydreaming... Practicing wild theatricals. "I'm Hugo. Ah-HA!" "Josephine March! You walked...
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The Costumes of Jo and Meg
by Jordan Elizabeth at Heavenly Princess
My little Meg’s version of this dress is very much like the original except that instead of being blue with dark red trim, it is dark red with blue trim! I really enjoyed creating this and tried to reproduce it as closely...
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Sharing Christmas
by Nina at Wickfield
I first read Little Women at age 10, and as I got older it became one of my favorite books. All the characters were loveable and the story, though a tad bit campy at times, was a very good and moral one...
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Hooray! Good job to everyone who participated! I had such fun looking through all the posts!
I am so honored to have been chosen as a winner!
What fun we've had!
I love, love, LOVE your new blog design! So cute!
Allison Elizabeth
I'm so glad I won for the Artsy Little Women category - this was a really fun event. ^_^ I'm looking forward to receiving my banner, too!
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