Also, just a head's up: after the voting ends tonight and winner are announced, etc. I will be doing a little spring cleaning on the blog. So if you see anything strange going on...don't worry...hopefully we'll have all the hiccups dealt with immediately! :) But I'm going to be changing the background, the header (the amazing Atlanta made an amazing header for me...THANKS!), the sidebars, and even the blog name will be changed from "A Young Lady's Blog" to "Sewing in the Past". Hopefully this won't cause any confusion!
Some exciting news! Disney at Ruffles and Stuff is hosting a contest (the blog button is on my right sidebar)!! It is all about Ruffles (which is exciting) and I have so many ideas, but so little time to create! Hopefully I will soon and post about them! She did a post about some of her favorites that have been entered so far, and my friend Atlanta's ENTRY was one of them. So congrats to her! :) Make sure you head over THERE and check out the contest!
Um...my entry was tied! What happens there?
BTW, Rebecca (this is semi-related), how did you get your layout to have two sidebars? I'm tweaking mine a bit and I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this!
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