Day One of Amanda Beth's Secondhand Fashion Week! If you don't know of what I am speaking, you absolutely must go over and check it out (!
My title of this post is a little random, so let me explain. Other times I have worn this outfit I've been "labeled" one of two things: a sailor or ballerina. So I thought it would be a fitting title :)

This outfit is so fun! I usually don't like wearing sideways stripes (because of the whole "looking fat than you really are" thing), but I actually really like this top. However, it is very possibly my only sideways striped garment in my closet... The best thing about this blouse is that I got it as a hand-me-down! Aren't those the best?! I think the blue and white stripes are probably where the "sailor" comments come from.
My skirt is just a white flow-y skirt I found at a goodwill store (for a very nice price, might I add) and I wear it quite a bit, too! Because of it's flow-y-ness must be where the whole "ballerina" idea was formed.
You can't see my feet, but I just have on some white flats that I got a Wal-mart... And in my hair, just a simple ribbon from my ribbon drawer.
~Rebecca Jane
I love it! Such a fun ensemble.
I love your outfit Rebecca!
What a fabulous look! I know what you mean about horizontal stripes, but this shirt looks great on you! And I just love white, flowy skirts. :) The ribbon headband is a great touch as well...
Sailors and ballerinas, I love it! :)
Oh man, handmedowns are absolutely the best! I love love love your skirt!
You've been tagged! By me! All you have to do is write 7 random things about yourself. :)
Love your outfit! So cute and classy. =)
You look wonderful! Love the stripes.
I love the striped shirt!
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