Well this was probably my least favorite episode. I loved the challenge and everything...but I really didn't like any of the dresses. Yes, even Anna's. I thought they were all just frumpy, cheap, red satin-y dresses. Hmmm...
The challenge: "The designers must create a signature dress for the Campbell’s AdDRESS Your Heart program."
Now for the models...instead of the regular models they normally have, a few selected women who have had heart problems were the models. Which was a big change for the designers used to dressing stick figure models.

Amy won this challenge. I guess I kind of liked the dress...but not really too much. A little to much "grecian draping" for my taste. The cute little sash with the "Campbell's tomato soup" brand is pretty nice (the designers were given to option to incorporate that fabric). I just didn't like it that much.

The loser was Jesus. I agreed with this decision very much! the dress was WAY too tight and fit very badly! The crystal straps just made it look so cheap! Overall...AWFUL dress!

Maya's dress was in the top three. I thought it was kind of cute but not that much. I thought the "brownish/gold" swooping fabric was ill placed (if you get my meaning) and wasn't very flattering. However, the idea of making it look like half of a heart was a good idea. The "Campbell's" purse was a cute addition too, I thought. BUT, the hem of the dress is not very professional looking...

I have VERY mixed emotions about this dress. It was in the top three. I will say that I think the neckline is beautiful and flattering. However, the stars on the dress made it look very costume-y! I would not have taken that kind of risk at all had I been Mila. But the judges liked it, so I guess she did well.

Anna's dress was sadly...just plain ugly. The top fabric was way to close to her skin color. And the whole bodice was just really unflattering and made the model look larger than she is/was. The belt was pretty cute-ish. And the skirt was nice and flowy-ish. But just not the best...which is why it was in the bottom three. But I believe Anna will step it up in the next episode.

Janeane's dress had potential...I really think it did! However, the bottom of the skirt is so, I don't know, pucker-y and messy looking, and I think that really ruined it, sadly.

This last one I thought was nice-ish. I think the construction looks good and the vest was a good addition. Plus the black fabric corresponding with the "Campbell's" brand fabric was a good choice. The skirt, a little too tight, but okay.
Here is my design:

I couldn't really think of a way to incorporate the Campbell's fabric, though.
1 comment:
I agree with you totally about this challenge. I think ALL the dresses were rather tacky, and some were beyond.
Maya's was I thought terribly sewn, although her idea was ambitious.
I like your design...it's nice and simple, tasteful, which the PR dresses were not.
You could incorporate the campbells fabric by making piping out of it, that way it's technically there, but practically invisible.
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