Saturday, February 20, 2010

50 Followers and 100 Posts

Today is a very special day!

This is my 100th post on "A Young Lady's Blog"!!! I can't believe that!

And yesterday my "follower list" reached 50 followers! Which is HUGE to me!

I had posted about the Little Women of 2010 challenge in honor of my 30th follower and that was only in January! I can't believe how much has been happening on "A Young Lady's Blog"!

Tomorrow the "Little Women of 2010" event begins! I am just bursting with excitement! I have amazing judges and so many people who have expressed an interest in the event! I hope it's a really great turn-out!

After the Little Women week, I've been thinking about a few changes/adjustments to make on my blog. And I've also thought about a few "blog series" to begin. So I'm looking forward to that!

Anyways, I just wanted to let all of you know how grateful I am for being a follower! THANKS!


1 comment:

Tessa Voccola said...

awesome! your ahead of me! I love reading your blog!