Friday, November 26, 2010

day of thanksgiving and christmas

yesterday two of my older sibs and their family came over and we celebrated thanksgiving AND christmas.
you can imagine the chaos of the house this whole week...getting ready.
cooking, cleaning, wrapping presents, and making the house "baby proof"
two crawlers and a walker can get into all sorts of mischief.

well it was a truly lovely day.
i have some incredibly adorable nephews and an equally adorable niece.
piper sat in my lap the whole day. i love her.

and my little graham-y is learning to walk!
he has the biggest cheeks.
and was dressed to the "t".

and cute little zander.
he's quite the talker.
and starts every sentence with "because"
(it seems to add more credibility to what he says)
plus, he has the cutest laugh.

check out what happens when the whole family sits around a talking parrot toy:

and so the lunch was a success!
it was a great time having all the sibs and babies (except my dear sister sara) over!
and i love them all dearly.

and they loved the little gifts i made them, too!
but i'll show you those some other time.
for now, au revoir!

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