Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Amazing Grace

Okay, so one of my favorite movies is Amazing Grace. It is about William Wilberforce and his tireless efforts in trying to abolish the slave trade in England. Every time I watch this movie, I get so inspired to go out and fight for some noble cause!

Wilberforce: "No matter how loud you shout, you will not drown out the voice of the people!"

Clarkson: "Strange treasures in this fair world appear, strange all, and new to me." That is a poem by Thomas Traherne and I have absolutely no idea what it's about. But, when I was small I was made to learn it by heart so I don't see why you shouldn't suffer too."

Richard the Butler: "When I was 15 I almost run away with the circus. They said I could have been an acrobat."

Wilberforce: "I'm against flowers in church. What have you to say?"
Barbara: "I am for them."
Wilberforce: "As am I."

Pitt: "Why is it you only feel the thorns in your feet when you stop running?"
Wilberforce: "Is that some sort of heavy-handed metaphorical advice for me, Mr. Pitt?

Here is the trailer for it:

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