Sunday, January 30, 2011

costume for the day - the colorful spy

i found a trench coat friday at a thrift store for only $5!! soooo...i wore it the first chance i could (which happened to be today). i found my dress several weeks ago at a "half of half" store. originally it was *gasp* $60...but i found it for *even bigger gasp* $6!!! I really, really love it. michelle thinks i look like a spy because of my trench...but i don't know how much "blending in" i could do with my bright yellow dress, scarf, and tights. :) 

and so. i think this is the best costume for the day.

happy sunday!!! :o)

Friday, January 28, 2011

flour in my eyes.

baking cookies with friends may be hazardous to your health. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011 finally happened! :)

okay, remember when i was going to get my driver's license in the summer? and then the fall? remember my ode to driver's ed? well guess what...?! i finally took my test and got my license!!! woohoo! that's the short story. if you're interested in the long, drawn out, ridiculous story...scroll down.
i'd like to start this off by telling you how FREAKED OUT i was. i have no idea why...i know it's possible to retake the test...but my nerves were just...on edge. i was tense and i nearly got sick this morning. my goodness!! AH! haha.

monday: mom = goes to the DPS. asks what needs to be done for my driver's test. is told to call back at 8am to schedule it. me = nervous beyond all imagination tossing and turning all night.

tuesday 8:15am: mom = calls the DPS to schedule the test. DPS = "i'm sorry you have to call one day in advance to schedule a testing time." mom = "...umm...we were there yesterday and they said to call today." DPS = "you were misinformed." mom = *grrr*

wednesday 9am: mom = calls DPS to schedule test for THURSDAY. DPS = "okay. but the rules changed today and you have to come in today to do the paperwork." mom = URGH!!!!! "alrighty...thank you very much." so we go up to the DPS and do the paperwork. DPS = "okay now take your hat off so i can take your picture." me = AAAHHH!!!!! "ummm...can i run to the bathroom real quick?" DPS = "sure." okay, please know i had woken up, put my hair in a ponytail, and pulled a hat atop. oh dear. but i'm only going to have it until march because it has to be redone when i turn 17. soooo... umm. also i could just *barely* see the 5th line in the eyesight test. i juuuuust might need an eye test....maybe.

thursd- oh. today: me = after a restless night, wakes up and is so's tough to describe. as we drive up there i miss the turn...and we get there *just* on time. i get to the up to the beginning of the test (where you have to back up straight, parallel park, etc.). starts off terrible. my parallel parking was a FAIL. umm. i have no idea how i passed. the driving went really well, though. and mom got in the car (my driver's license in hand) and i just cried.

i'm so glad this is over. hahaha.

Monday, January 24, 2011

a little looksy.

well fellow bloggers, followers, and friends, the SAT is done, over, forever (if i got an agreeable score). what does this mean?? more blogging time, of course! :) i've missed you guys! in case you're interested...which you may not's a little looksy at what i've been up to:

school, school, and...oh will it every end?!

giving and receiving thank-you notes. i kind of love snail mail. it's the best.

MUSIC MAN!!! i am loving this show and the amazing cast. each rehearsal is SUCH fun.

eating. a lot. i am in love with food. too bad i'm kind of on a diet. kind of. not really.

and wishing my niece baby piper a happy uno! isn't she a doll?! oi. 

well dearies. tomorrow i'm taking a very special test. the test you dream of taking all your life...happens about when you turn 16. and though i've been 16 for quite a while....i'm taking the test tomorrow. i must admit i'm dreadfully nervous. i'll let you know how it goes!! :)

i've missed y'all... :D

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 very extremely happy things :)

heylo! haven't been on lately...but i've been finding some pretty awesome stuff on tumblr and pintrest that i just HAD to share!! :) 

okay so you know i love stripes right? how about a black and white striped room?! next time i have the opportunity to paint a room...this is what it's going to look like!! :)

these are awesome hangers. yes they are. what a neat-o DIY project!! if i ever had my own store the clothes would definitely be on cool hangers like these.

i really want to learn how this was done. any ideas??

so apparently the whole "menswear" is totally in fashion this season. i think this girl is rockin' the look. LOVE :)

and i shall leave you with this yummy delicious dessert. cookies and creme cheesecake cupcakes. did anything every sound better than that? nope? that's what i thought.

p.s. my dear friends. i've been unable to do a lot of posting lately. if you want to keep in touch you can follow me on twitter. i post several times a day. i hope you are all well and good! hoping to get back in the groove of posting after the SAT on saturday. pray for me!! :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

because i love pumpkin that much.

i went to the store and bought three cans of pumpkin puree. 
don't judge me. 
pumpkin is just my favorite.

and so i found a pumpkin parfait recipe on my new favorite recipe site and thought i'd try it out. 
don't tell me that doesn't look delish.

would those just be the coolest desserts to serve at a party!? talk about original.

my note: i didn't quite like the gingersnap cookies (they're just not my favorite). i'm thinking some vanilla or chocolate wafers would have been YUMMERS. also make sure you have a good ration of pumpkin and cream (like 2:1)...too much cream makes it...well...too creamy. also. i had some leftover ones in the fridge and ate one the next day. i liked it even better because the cookies were completely gooey and everything was just lovely. if you like your cookies hard...only let them sit a few hours.

anyways. let me know if you make them! i thought they were delish. next up...pumpkin creme pie. yesssss!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

party in the kitchen :o)

last night mom and dad were at a meeting, so michelle and i decided to finally bake our christmas cookies. even though christmas is over. she started asked if she could even wear an apron. haha. she gets really excited about these sorts of things. 

and then she started pretending we were maids...baking cookies for the king and queen. and she'd go into the living room and tell them the cookies were almost ready. it was pretty cute.

i also got to wear my new apron for the first time! my friend morgan made it for me for christmas...fashioned after the anthropologie one (pictured below). i think she did an AMAZING job. the only problem was, i didn't want to get it dirty so i started wiping my hands on michelle's apron. defeating the purpose of wearing my own apron in the first place! :)

i love nights like these SO much :) and the end result is always very delish!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

let's play pretend.

yesterday i pretended...

...i didn't squeal when i found "timeline" for five dollars. ignore the creepy college people in the coffee store.

...the automatic paper towel dispenser didn't really startle me.

...i didn't blush during the romeo and juliet balcony scene at a shakespeare workshop. have no inhibitions when playing a strange version of red light, green light.

...i wasn't embarrassed to be looking through someone's house at an estate sale. wasn't the third time in one week i've eaten at chickfila.

today i pretended...

...the girl in the yellow coat jumping up and down and squealing because the snow started falling...wasn't me...ahem...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

beautiful drinks, books, skies, and stores.

okay...since when are gingerbread white mochas art?! soooo coooool!!!

antiquing today...i kind of LOVE old books...alot.

my favorite kind of sky...

the apple store is a magical place.

Friday, January 7, 2011

little sisters are pretty awesome.

pretty sure my little sister is awesome. even if she does give strange compliments:

"rebecca, you have eyes like a giraffe."

i mean...sometimes it's hard to know how to respond to those kind of compliments....


Thursday, January 6, 2011

the difficulties of undecorating the tree...

...with a short family.

enough said.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

have you seen this?!

i am in love with this video! it is kind of the coolest thing ever. i wish my hands were this talented... i can just sit and watch this all day long. i mean...not that i have...or anything...cough, cough.

Monday, January 3, 2011

chickfila, anthropologie, and starbucks.

today was an AMAZING day!!! soooo awesome. my good friend maddy got an anthropologie gift card for christmas and she invited me to help her figure out what to get! along the way we just haaaad to stop at chickfila and starbucks (of course). i don't think there are three places that make me happier. grrrrreat day!

oh. and p.s. i have some friends. with really awesome blogs. you should totally check them out. not the friends. the blogs. well. the friends are pretty awesome too...just sayin (even if two of them have their heads in the clouds). they loooove followers (so do i!)... :D

Saturday, January 1, 2011

let's take a glimpse at 2010.

everybody's doing's a review of 2010 with pictures, links, etc:

in january, we made a silent (mini) film with some friends. i auditioned for the part of hodel in fiddler on the roof (and got it!!). my niece piper was born. and i got a ukulele!

in february, we got A LOT of snow!! i learned a song on my uke. sewing in the past got 50 followers and reached 100 posts. we hosted little women of 2010 and got some great entries. and we made some fun inspiration posters based on little women.

in march, i made a super secret spy purse for my sister sara before her trip to bolivia. my family went to beaumont ranch reenactment. i entered my ruffly belt in a contest. i turned 16!! :) and we started working on my upstairs sewing room.

in april, i entered a secondhand fashion week and won. we went to the shannon's and they helped paint our fiddler on the roof set. i danced my heart out at my homeschool cotillion. we went to mexia civil war reenactment. and i did a photoshoot with my buddies.

in may, my buddies and i unknowingly auditioned for an opera in a parking garage. my fashion design class got the honor to tour a clothing collection full of antiques and designer clothing. i made summer goals. my theatre group performed fiddler on the roof. and i did an epic photoshoot with a good friend.

in june, i did a photoshoot downtown with my buddies. i went on vacation with the family...and met aragorn (in wax form). my niece and nephew came for a visit. we started to empty out my upstairs sewing room. and sewing in the past hosted a blog parade.

in july, we celebrated my buddy morgie's 16th birthday. sewing in the past got 99 followers. i entered (and placed) in a online photography contest. i did an AWESOME photoshoot with my buddy atlanta. i celebrated another birthday with my buddy ryleigh. i made a music video. and i was commissioned to make curtains for a costume shop!

in august, *gasping for air* i made a skirt. finished my bedroom curtains. introduced you to my crazy cat. found an emergency chocolate cake recipe. went on a summer adventure. and discovered how to conquer my fear of grasshoppers.

in september, i got bangs. the upstairs sewing room got painted. i went to football games. i attended the hottest and strangest reenactment ever. i started cooking alot. i wished my little sister a happy 9th. i ate helium. and i bid my sister sara adieu for a few months.

in october, i admitted my love for chickfila. i wished dad a happy __ birthday. theatre continued. i decided driver's ed is out to get me. i went to a pumpkin patch (i love pumpkins). and i won "best female actress in a supporting role in a non-musical".

in november, we made chemistry fun by naming a ballon vladmir. we went to an awesome fall party. we put up posters for the next play: best christmas pageant ever. we went to see LES MIS 20th ANNIVERSARY. we celebrated a lovely day of thanksgiving (and christmas) with family. and i started getting in character by smoking a (fake) cigar...for the play.

and in december, i confessed my fear of santa claus. i wished my nephew graham a happy 1st. our play was a success. we were sent some sweet letters. i got my BRACES OFF!! i got a happy happy surprise. and i had an amazing christmas.

these pictures. and links. and stories barely sum up 2010. so much happened. and this is just a little glimpse! 2010 was a year that i've been looking forward to for a very long time and for many reasons. there's a lot of things i thought would be different by 2011. and there's a lot of things i never imagined would be different by 2011. and yet God has a way of surprising us. and showing us we haven't got any control over what happens. and each year i've learned to trust more on Him and not on anything i can do. God has blessed me and my family more than i can say. and i just continue to thank Him everyday for His continuous support, love, and guidance.

goodbye 2010.
2011...let's see what you can do!